Our Team

Our Story

A Product Designer met a Software Developer in Santa Barbara, CA, and founded....a digital powerhouse.

Inspired by our previous backgrounds as a Structural Engineer (Serina) and Army Combat Engineer Veteran (Ethan), we are driven by the belief that unconventional backgrounds can be harnessed to redefine success. As a result, we founded Madasa Collective, a California-based team specializing in branding, product design, and software development. We assembled a team of talented and experienced individuals across multiple disciplines to craft innovative solutions. Our collective combines industry expertise with diverse perspectives to deliver high-quality products to our clients.


Serina Zepeda

Serina Zepeda

Product Designer



I like

traveling, my puppy, snowboarding, beach volleyball, board games, food, working out, and painting.

link to Serina Zepeda's LinkedIn profilelink to Serina Zepeda's portfolio site
Miguel Castillo

Miguel Castillo

Senior Product Designer

Graphic Designer


I like

sparkling water, gardening, salsa dancing, traveling and staying active.

link to Miguel Castillo's LinkedIn profilelink to Miguel Castillo's portfolio site


Ethan Flores

Ethan Flores


Software Developer


I like

my cats, hot tropical sun, the beach, surfing, CrossFit, Okinawa, and Guam.

link to Ethan Flores's LinkedIn profilelink to Ethan Flores's portfolio site
Jose Roman

Jose Roman

Senior Software Developer


I like

my video games, soccer, and my wife. <3

link to Jose Roman's LinkedIn profilelink to Jose Roman's portfolio site
Daniel Castillo

Daniel Castillo

Software Developer


I like

my kids, cycling, movies, food, video games, and Oaxaca,

link to Daniel Castillo's LinkedIn profilelink to Daniel Castillo's portfolio site
contact circle

Have a project in mind?

Let's team up to create a tailored digital solution that aligns with your needs and business goals.

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Madasa Collective team photo in Santa Barbara, CA - Ethan Flores, Serina Zepeda, and Miguel Castillo

Made in CA



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